Sunday, 18 August 2013

July 2013: Portfolio Update.

Well the immediate bounce of 6.53% in the FTSE and 5.14% in my portfolio saw June's losses reversed.
Handsome YTD gains of 12.26% and 21.08%, in the FTSE and my portfolio make for very satisfying reading in spite of the uncertainty around central bank stimulus.
With Europe cautiously emerging from recession it still seems a little premature to call time on the last few years but as with these things generally we don't know we have recovered until we are looking back at them and they become a blip in the historic timeline.
But, by that stage it is often too late to re-enter the market as a general investment strategy as much of the share price discounts will already have been removed.

At 99.13%, my portfolio is back in sight of that magic 100% milestone which it briefly touched in May (20 May 2013: Portfolio milestone.).

Hopefully, by keeping my eye on the long prize I can ride out these blips and remain invested in companies that will continue to come through these blips.

Looking at my portfolio's components this month's gains were led by BAE, Apple, William Hill, Tesco, and Morrison which all managed double digit gains.
Unfortunately, Microsoft (missed forecasts), IG, and Imperial Tobacco headed into negative territory.
One of my heavy dividend hitters, Rolls-Royce also delivered in the month, along with Tesco and General Electric.

Merchant Adventurer's Index
Forecast 1 month YTD 31 mth
Price % holding Div. yield % gain % gain % gain
R-R 1175.00p 35.72% 1.87% 3.62% 34.52% 88.60%
National Grid 787.00p 15.92% 5.40% 5.50% 11.95% 42.31%
Aviva 371.00p 10.02% 4.30% 9.12% -0.54% 9.81%
William Hill 487.00p 5.10% 2.43% 10.43% 47.84% 164.42%
Apple ** $452.53 4.81% 2.14% 14.30% -9.55% 22.39%
IG Group 578.00p 4.78% 4.11% -0.34% 28.44% 21.12%
BP 455.00p 4.57% 5.21% 0.00% 7.11% -0.59%
General Electric ** $24.37 2.40% 2.68% 5.25% 23.70% 64.16%
Centrica 391.00p 2.26% 4.43% 8.61% 17.21% 17.91%
BAE Systems 446.00p 2.05% 4.56% 16.45% 32.38% 35.15%
SSE 1575.00p 2.00% 5.58% 3.41% 11.07% 28.57%
Microsoft ** $31.84 1.98% 2.41% -7.70% 26.91% 17.18%
Vodafone 198.00p 1.76% 5.20% 5.32% 28.20% 22.88%
Morrisons 289.00p 1.67% 4.43% 10.31% 9.89% 8.00%
BG Group 1187.00p 1.59% 1.54% 6.08% 17.23% -8.41%
Imperial Tobacco 2206.00p 1.41% 5.28% -3.25% -3.81% -3.81%
Tesco 367.00p 1.35% 4.13% 10.88% 9.23% -8.00%
Cash 0.59% 0.00%
100.00% 3.36%
1 Month YTD 31 mth
Virtual Portfolio gain (incl. Dividends)
- 1 month gain   1893.90 -
1991.29 5.14%
- YTD gain         1644.62 -
1991.29 21.58%
- 31 month gain 1264.20 -
1991.29 58.16%
- 43 month gain 1000.00 -
1991.29 99.95%
FTSE gain (excl. Dividends)
- 1 month gain   6215.47 -
6621.06 6.53%
- YTD gain         5897.81 -
6621.06 12.26%
- 31 month gain 5971.01 -
6621.06 10.89%
- 43 month gain 5412.88 -
6621.06 22.32%
Rolls-Royce @ 11.9p per share
Tesco @ 10.13p per share
General Electric @ 10.48p per share
*     US Dividends are adjusted for exchange rate and 15% withholding tax
**   Sterling : Dollar exchange rate = £1: $1.51787 as at 31/07/13

An almost whiplash inducing bounce back in July marks a turnaround on the chart which if it follows the pattern of previous years suggests a shallow increase as the year continues to unfold.

Click to enlarge, close to return

So steady as she goes and with National Grid due to tip up soon, another nice cash injection will soon drop into my portfolio keeping the wheels greased so to speak.