Wednesday 27 July 2011

Public reaction to Congress debt ceiling impasse.

Found this article on Just sort it out! Public fury erupts over debt deadlock as angry voters jam phones and launch online campaigns to end squabbling.
Interesting to see the growing reaction to the impasse in congress over the debt ceiling vote. Read the comments also if you get a chance as some illustrate short term memory loss regarding using a war (ie. who) to prop up the economy.

There are some starting to understand that this wouldn't be a controlled default - public sector works and payrolls would be the first shock to take place, then the dollar and then.......

.....and all because politicians can't play nicely.

Not sure how much comfort to take from the so called muted market reaction to the deadlock though?

Article links:
- Just sort it out! Public fury erupts over debt deadlock as angry voters jam phones and launch online campaigns to end squabbling

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